Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Aktivitäten der Mustererkennung und Bildverarbeitung

Organization of friends and promoters of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing activities

What you get

PRIP-Club shares information with the Austrian Pattern Recognition Community. Besides that, there are several benefits of PRIP Club membership!

You receive:
  • Access per e-mail to PRIP Club newsletters including information about the PRIP-group, conferences, publications, and events in and around Austria.
  • Interest-free loans to pre-finance travel to conferences
  • Financing for travel to conferences
  • Attendance at committee meetings
To apply for sponsorship from PRIP-Club, please follow the guidelines provided.

Contact: Mail: pripclub (at) prip (dot) tuwien (dot) ac (dot) at | Tel: +43.1.58801.18661 | Fax : +43.1.58801.18697
2014 PRIP, Impressum, Statuten